Did Rockstar suggest that GTA 5 on PS4 and Xbox One is possible?

There was an amazing Q&A from Rockstar today about GTA V. It’s been a while since they really offered up new details. As always, they spoke in generalities and nothing overly concrete. However we think there may be something interesting that was said. Here is the quote:

Question: You’ve probably been asked before, but is GTA V coming for next gen consoles also?

Answer from Rockstar: The only versions of the game that we have announced are for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation®3 which are set for a September 17th worldwide release. We don’t have anything to share about the possibility of a next-gen or a PC platform release at this time and we are completely focused on delivering the best possible experience for the consoles people have right now.

Sometimes it’s not what was said, but how it was said. Okay the only versions “we have announced”? That statement doesn’t deny the possibility of GTA 5 PS4 or GTA 5 Xbox One. They go on to say that they are focused on the best experience for the consoles people have right now. How about when people have those other consoles? Does that mean Rockstar will then focus on the best possible experience on those consoles when they are out or near release?

I think they are being coy. I am not more optimistic at versions for the new consoles. They don’t want to lose out of sales of this version. No way, never. They wouldn’t do that. However, I think the door has been slightly opened here.

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