This is pretty cool! A guy on YouTube named RealAfricalJesus just posted a nice video showing off his Space Docker vehicle. The only way to get this vehicle is to assemble all the part which are scattered across the map.You have to collect 50 space parts and it took this guy over 5 hours to […]
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Secret message found on back of GTA 5 Collector’s Edition map
This is very interesting. Is this legit? We should know in a few hours. There is apparently a secret message on the back of the map that comes with the Collector’s Edition of Grand Theft Auto V. But there is a catch. Apparently this required a UV light to see. Yes, you might be asking […]

- GTA 5 for PC release date get delayed. This should be no surprise. January 13, 2015
Peyote Locations – Where to find Peyote in GTA 5 November 27, 2014
Why you should upgrade to GTA V PS4 or Xbox One or PC November 18, 2014
Even More New 1080P GTA V Screenshots – PS4 – Xbox One November 17, 2014
New PS4 and Xbox One – Full 1080p Screenshots November 17, 2014
World’s Biggest GTA 5 Tips and Tricks Collection September 18, 2013
Is GTA 5 for next gen consoles going to be a PS4 exclusive? September 29, 2013
- GTA Online RMT – Real money in GTAO? September 23, 2013
- GTA 5 hidden weapons and secret weapon locations September 18, 2013
GTA V weapons – an early look at the tools of the trade November 6, 2011